Hi, we are Ash and Lizi!

Co-authors of the cookbook

"For the Love of Sourdough" and your online mentors.

We make it a promise that no matter what, all content and support in this space will come directly from us!

We both practice everything we preach, cooking from scratch for our growing families, and getting back to the root of simple ingredients like milk and eggs and wild yeast. We can't wait for you to join us and we are so excited to help you on your own journey to making amazing food from scratch!


Farmer, Homesteader, Sourdough Teacher

You can follow Ashley on instagram here


I began homesteading 4.5 years ago when our family moved from a suburban neighborhood to rural acreage in the country overlooking the Bay of Fundy.  We started with a garden and a few chickens and a love for farming and raising our own food was born. Daniel, myself and their two children now operate a small family farm raising cattle and forest pigs, along with my jersey cows that I milk in the field behind our home.  

The very first sourdough class I ever taught was to 6 people in our farmhouse kitchen, I was so nervous! The classes grew to about 12-15 people and it was such a fun sense of community to gather with people in my space to break bread and learn sourdough. I moved the classes online in the fall of 2020 and all the sudden I could reach the world! Since then I have been teaching sourdough classes to a worldwide audience and I have found a greater love in the kitchen and passion for teaching others than I ever had before! 


The Food Nanny, Homesteader, Writer

You can follow Lizi's food on instagram here


You can also purchase her Kamut, Salt and Cookbooker on her family website


I started my journey with the Food Nanny when I worked and sold books along side my Mother 14 years ago! Mom started teaching her Meal Pan and sharing her recipes with her first cookbook The Food Nanny rescues Dinner! I had been cooking since I was 11 so this just came natural to me. 

Almost 5 years ago I wanted to help bring Moms mission of the importance of family Dinnertime back to my generation! I started Instagram and It worked! I’ve spent every second since devoted to what I love doing! We are known for breads, every kind of bread in the world ( almost) That’s my love too!! Sourdough became a priority for me about 2 years ago and I was able to meet and get to know Ash! She is the Queen of sourdough. Ash was kind enough to teach me everything right about sourdough and now we want to share our recipes and knowledge with all of my fannies! 

My little journey has brought me to homestead off our land. I now have kids and cows, and chickens, and dogs and cats and a million chores! We make our own butter and our own cheese and everything homemade. 

I’ve never been happier! My husband and I share responsibilities as we grow a company and our farmhouse!Hoping for a barn this year. Lots of plans and ideas but just being happy living the dream for now. Come join us and live your dreams! 

Lizi xo