Refund Policy

1. We have a strict no refunds policy on all subscriptions

  1. We have a strict no refunds policy on all subscriptions including:
  2. If you subscribe and choose not to use the subscription for whatever reason, those months are non-refundable.
  3. If you subscribed and spell your email/name/password wrong and cannot access the curriculum, the responsibility is on you to reach out and inform our team so we can assist in changing this for you. If you choose not to do this, month's missed are also non-refundable.
  4. You have access to all site material as long as you are a member of the subscription. Once you are unsubscribed, you no longer have access to this space or it's contents. We are not responsible for any material not printed during your membership.
  5. You are responsible for your own login information, we cannot track if you have issues unless you reach out to us directly.
  6. We have no ability to charge you your monthly fee if you cancel your membership, if you have been charged, that means you did not cancel. Those months are strictly non-refundable. If you are having issues cancelling, it is up to you to let us know.